Tuesday, November 30, 2010
You aint got kno rythm??
Well youre rythym got you number 3 on the countdown!! And mister you got back with the band. Honestly this song really deserved to be number three. Its just sooo dang catchy. Aint got no rythym. Gosh whatta good song. Anyways this song was when the two boys had to regroup the members of Love Handle. And so when the two boys, Phineas and Ferb, find out that he works at the library, and they go to talk him into the band. So seeing that he still has his rythym, he JOINS THE BAND!!!!!!!!!!!! and the the boys parent can have the best anniversary of there lives. But what surprises me in the episode that the two young inventors made all this and didnt get even busted. Like it was obviously them who put all of it together. But anyays, they did a good deed for there parents. So ya down to the LAST TWO AFTER THIS BLOG. So keep up the reading viewers at home. Stay motivated
Well here comes the water work :P omg just remembered somthing.
anyways yea thins song is one of the most saddest songs the show made. In my oppinion. Because Candace is singing a song from the bottom of her heart. And this was part of her present. Becasue like the tittle says MOM ITS YOUR'E BIRTHDAY, wich is the tittle of the song. Candace was looking for the best present to give to her mother, and she was struggeling to find a good present. Candace has been slacking on getting her mother some presents. But obviously with the help of the two inventors who made a roller coster go all the to space, Canadce has succeeded to get her mother the right present. And even make her mother break a tear, wich you dont see too often in the show. Because the show is usualy all funny jummy happy jojo stuff.
But anyways back down to the countdown.
Hey bloggers im back!! And back to talk to you about the number 5 song.
This song is where Candace is getting pushed arround by Jeremy's little sister. And so when Jeremy's little sister "Suzie". And Suzie is one BIG brat. Suzie hates Candace and hates how she likes her older brother Jeremy. But anyways the songs jumps off by Suzie hitting a squirrel nut into Candaces pants with a croquet stick. And so after that the squirrells follow the nut, and obviously jump in her pants. So Candace is jumping arround looking like she is dancing. So these two rappers come out of no where and start rapping with Candace dancign arround. Its actully one of my favourite songs in the show. But hey the people want it in 5th place. But anyways, seeing Candace jump arround is real funny because, its like those typical rap videos. With all those girls shaking there butts arround. lol But anyways we are going to leave and get back at the countdown.
keep it breezy!
Friday, November 5, 2010
This is the famous band LOVE HANDEL. They are having a concert for all there loving fans. And these guys, are like smooth rock starts. But they also have a history like every other band. THEY BROKE UP! Back in the day they were the hottest band. But the band took there seperate ways. The drummer became a librarian, the lead guitarist became a a owner of a guitar shop. And the background guitar guy man became a hairstylist. And if you actully notice, the background guitar guy has the same hair as Phineas and Ferbs mom, Linda. But anyways when it become the anniversary of Linda and Lawrence ''Phineas and Ferb's parents'' the two boys get the band back together. So like every other plan they have, it seezes to fail. So the boys arrange a huge concert for their parents, and decide to sell a bunch of other tickets to other people to make some extra money. But anyways lets get back to the amazing count down.
This is the famous band LOVE HANDEL. They are having a concert for all there loving fans. And these guys, are like smooth rock starts. But they also have a history like every other band. THEY BROKE UP! Back in the day they were the hottest band. But the band took there seperate ways. The drummer became a librarian, the lead guitarist became a a owner of a guitar shop. And the background guitar guy man became a hairstylist. And if you actully notice, the background guitar guy has the same hair as Phineas and Ferbs mom, Linda. But anyways when it become the anniversary of Linda and Lawrence ''Phineas and Ferb's parents'' the two boys get the band back together. So like every other plan they have, it seezes to fail. So the boys arrange a huge concert for their parents, and decide to sell a bunch of other tickets to other people to make some extra money. But anyways lets get back to the amazing count down.
Well I already posted this song, BACK YARD BEACH!!!! That in my opinion isDubbie Dubbie Duba, Dubbie Dubbie Duba, Dubbie Dubbie Duba, AGENT P!!!! the best song. Because first of all, its my type of music. Rap and like jamaican music. This song is such a good song. But hey since I already talked about this song, why don't I throw in a special video for you guys and gals.
LMFAOOOOO, omg priceless. This is Dr.Doofenshmirtz. And when he was a kid, he would do the stupidest things. Like if you watch the show, there is always some story about his childhood. And this is one of em. He wanted to be on the internet, and he got in. Because in that episode he gets viewed all over the tristate area. But anyways. Lets get back to the countdown.
LMFAOOOOO, omg priceless. This is Dr.Doofenshmirtz. And when he was a kid, he would do the stupidest things. Like if you watch the show, there is always some story about his childhood. And this is one of em. He wanted to be on the internet, and he got in. Because in that episode he gets viewed all over the tristate area. But anyways. Lets get back to the countdown.
Dubbie Dubbie Duba, Dubbie Dubbie Duba, Dubbie Dubbie Duba, AGENT P!!!!! That is the famous Perry the Platypus song. Every time when Perry goes out on a secret mission, that song or phares will play. But this song right here is the song that like explained Perry's job. As a super secret agent. Perry works for Marshall and Carl. And when he goes out like I said, Dubbie Dubbie Duba, Dubbie Dubbie Duba, Dubbie Dubbie Duba, AGENT P!!! that song plays. But realize that Perry never talks. Like never, he is always done as he told, and never seezes to fail.
Well no video for this song because you all know the theme song. So in this blog I am kinda going to base the top ten on what most people wright down in their opinions on the internet. So I read that the theme song is number 9 in the countdown. in my opinion, I think that this song should at least be in a higher ranking then another song. But if it is what the people want, then it is what people get. And i can't let my bloggers down. But anyways, back to the countdown.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
This is number ten in the TOP TEN COUNTDOWN. To see what is the best songs of Phineas and Ferb. This song is called the ''Phindroids and Ferbbots'' This song isn't all that great but it still makes it to the top ten. Its is one of the shortest songs ever sung in the show. To explain kind of the background of this song, its where it all started with the two boys needing help in there little project/invention. So they start making a ''couple'' robots to help them with there invention thing. So when they made all those Brobots, they noticed that there was alot of them. And like every other Phineas and Ferb episode, a little singing is going to happen. So Ferb presses the button on some remote contraption, and there goes the robots singing there little song. But still this song is not so catchy like all the other songs on the show. So lets get back to the countdown to see what is the best song made.
Secondary Cast pt.2
Linda Flynn. She is the actual mother of Phineas and Candace. is the step mother of speechless Ferb.Linda is married to her Lawrence Fletcher.Linda has the craziest hair style in the show in my opinion. She is always being dragged around by her daughter Candace. Because Candace is always trying to bust her two brothers. But in the end finds out that theres nothing, and invites everyone for either pie, or some snack. Linda's main pharses is ''What is it now Candace?'' .
Lawrence Fletcher. is the actual father of Ferb. Wich makes Phineas and Candace his step children. Lawrence is married to Linda Flynn. Lawrence doesn't have a huge role in this show. Like he shows up once in a blue moon, and if so its kinda funny. Oh and did i mention that he is british, so wich makes him have a english axcent.
Jeremy Johnson. Jeremy is Candace's huge crush, and i think that he is kind of into her too but is not showing it as much as she is. Kind of like he is playing hard to get. Jeremy is the same age as Candace and he has a little sister. They don't specify what her name is but i can find it out later in a different blog. Don't worry I wont let you guys down. Jeremy seems to always find a job somewhere. And it is always somewhere where Candace goes too.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Secondary Cast
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