Monday, October 18, 2010

How The Show Rolls

Hey fans, yours trully PEANUT-BUTTER.

Well I just wanted to put this out there. Did you notice how the show is really repetitive?? Well for those who didn't, let me break it down for you. To show you how the show rolls.
It starts with Phineas and Ferb just hanging out bored or somthing. Then Phineas some how finds out somthing to do for him, Ferb and his friends. It all starts by ''Ferb I know what we are going to do today!''
Then right after you have Phineas say ''Hey wheres Perry?''
After its a cutsceen, you see Perry go into some contraption, to his secret base. Afterward you see his boss tell Perry to go check up on Dr.Doofenshmirtz.
Cutsceen, Isabella walks in (a fire scout girl) ask Phineas ''Whatcha doooing?­'' Then Phineas explains what him and Ferb are doing. Then you have Candace spying somehow talking on the phone with her friend Stacey. Candace would see the two doing somthing so she would say ''OUOUOU they are sooo busted!''
Then you have Dr.Doofensmhirtz making somthing then Perry bursts in. Dr. Doofenshmirtz gets Perry in a trap somehow, and explains exactly his plan to destroy or ruin the ''TRI-STATE AREA''.
Cutsceen, Phineas and Ferb are done there invention with the help of their friends. Candace is with her mom somewhere telling on Phineas And Ferbs creation.
Cutsceen Perry gets out of his trap and stops his nemesis, but somehow it gets rid of the two kids ivention. So when Candace goes to proove the mom on Phineas and Ferb, the thing is gone. Then Perry comes and Phineas says ''Oh there you are Perry''. Then the show ends =]

1 comment:

  1. Is this how it goes for every show or just one specific episode?
